Friday, October 21, 2016

A Rhetorical Argument using Sampling and Remixing

Uploaded Video to Youtube:

1. Identification of Producers/Creators
a. Where did your samples (images, video, audio) come from?
The images/videos mainly came from the movie called “Up”. Audio came from variety of sources such as the Jim Carey, Simpsons, TEDxBend, and The Office. All of our samples were found using YouTube.
b. Who has taken part in the creation of these samples?
i. Individuals?
Speaker: Sarah Red-Laird
Movie “UP”
Directors: Pete Docter and Bob Peterson
Producers: John Lasseter, Kori Rae, Denise Ream, Jonas Rivera, Andrew Stanton
The Office
Creators: Greg Daniels, Ricky Gervais, Stephen Merchant
Executive Producers: Howard Klein, Ben Silverman, Paul Lieberstein, Jennifer Celotta,    B.J. Novak, Mindy Kaling, Brent Forrester, and Dan Sterling
The Simpsons
Creators: Matt Groening, Sam Simon, James L. Brooks
ii. A community? Film industry, television industry,  global (speakers from across the world)
iii. A company or other organization?
Disney: Walt Disney Pictures, Pixar Animation Studios, Walt Disney Records, Skywalker Sound, Eastwood Scoring Stage, Walt Disney Negative Cutting, Solano County Sheriff’s Office, Entertainment Clearances, Intelligence Media, Klass Security and Investigations, etc
The Office: Reveille Productions, NBC Universal Television, 3 Arts Entertainment, Deedle-Dee Productions, Universal Media Studios, Universal Media Studios, Universal Television, etc
The Simpsons: Gracie Films, 20th Century Fox Television, Curiosity Company, Film Roman Productions, Fox Television Animation, Klasky-Csupo, Akom Production Company, Anivision, Central Casting, Laser Edit, Skywalker Sound, Sony Pictures Studio, Glenwood Editorial, etc
TED: TED and TEDxBend (non-profit organizations),
c. Do you have a connection to any of these individuals or groups?
i. Is this connection close, or does it resemble seven steps to Kevin Bacon?
It resembles like the seven steps to Kevin Bacon because we have no direct connections to those individuals or companies listed above. One could argue that there is an emotional connection with Disney and Pixar. Most of us grew up watching Disney movies during our childhoods and for some it helped shape their identities.
d. Do you think your relation (or lack of relation) to these individuals or groups gives you more or l less constraints to sample and remix their creative work?
The lack of relation to these individuals or groups make us less constrained to sample and remix their creative work because we don’t feel the obligation nor loyalty to them. Also it is easier to remix without guilt because usually there are no major consequences. On the other hand, if it was created by one of our close friends or family member then we’ll be more constrained. This is caused by fear of offending them or interfering with the relationship of that individual.
e. If you do not know where your samples come from originally, how do you think you might discover this information? (Once you have done more research, go back and answer the previous questions.)
The research can easily be done for some but others might be hard. It was easier to find the original sources for the movie “Up” because it was produced by a well-known company Disney. The information could be found on several websites like Wikipedia, IMDb, etc. On the contrary,  it was harder to find the original sources for Ted because many of their events are independently held and the hosts don’t necessarily list who exactly was involved in the production like Disney.

2. Identification of Caring/Wounding
a. To the best of your ability, please research the groups and/or individuals from whom you have sampled. According to your sources (scholarly, popular, friends, etc.), what are some of the cultural values of these people and their communities? Provide some evidence for your claims. If you identify as a member of one of these communities, explain how you have come to understand the community’s values and how your own understanding of these values might differ from others in the community.
TED is a non-profit organization and its mission is to spread great ideas in the best way possible. It brings in people from different cultures and discipline for a greater understanding of the world, and they strongly believe that ideas can change things as simple as altitudes and even lives. Disney believes in differentiating their entertainment services from others to be the most profitable and go beyond just entertaining. They want to inspire people, strengthen communities, and conserve the entertainment.

b. Identify 3-5 of your acts of sampling in relation to the individuals and/or groups you identified above as either acts of caring or wounding or both. Address the following questions in this identification:
i. In your sampling and remixing, are you potentially contradicting, subverting, changing, or even violating some of the values you researched above? Imagine someone sampling your work (something to which you have dedicated your life) and remixing it into a new work that actually violates the values expressed in your original work or that seems to take credit for authorship without acknowledging you. How do you think the “original” authors would react, should they witness your remix? How might it affect them?
In the movie, Carl changes from being this isolated and self-absorbed person to reorganizing his priorities and saving the people that he cares for.  After sampling, Disney’s overall message changed into something completely different. Now it only portrays Carl as someone hard-hearted and doesn’t care about the welfare of bees at all. Although bees play a small but significant role.However, we are still arguing for the bees. The video may seem like it contradicts with Disney’s views but they’re all about promoting good and inspiration. So we believe it is still aligned with Disney views. The original authors may or may not exactly appreciate what we have done. If it goes viral for not good reasons then they may not appreciate it and take legal action. In my opinion, if one of my works was remixed by someone and I came across the remix of it, and didn’t acknowledge my work, I don’t think I would be very happy because I had put so much time and effort into my original work.  
ii. Are you appealing to their values? In other words, do you think the artists you sampled from would endorse how and what you sampled and remixed?
Yes, I think the people who are part of the groups that are trying to save the bees would find our work very comedic.
iii. Under what conditions might your act of caring be an act of wounding (and vice versa)?
I don’t think there is a way that something like this could be an act of wounding, unless some people disagree with the point we are trying to get across.
c. How might your caring and/or wounding change your relationship to those individuals or groups? Has your opinion of the different individuals and/or groups changed? Why or why not? How?
No, my opinion hasn’t changed, I think what they are trying to do in these groups is great and really helps the environment.

3 Identification of Ethicality
a. After completing and reflecting upon the previous sections, ask yourself the following questions:
i. Do you consider your acts of wounding and/or caring to be ethical?
I consider my acts to be ethical.
1. Why or why not? Can you justify your acts of wounding? How?
I am not trying to ruin the image of Disney or harm them in anyway. My argument is how people feel indifferent toward this huge issue and they’re not willing to take action. I’m trying to spread this awareness in hopes of people changing for the welfare of the bees.
2. If you decide to distribute your remix, do you think it would be legal?
Yes, if it stays on the Internet through social media like Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, etc. However, I would still give credit to Disney and my other samples b
3. If not (see #2), what would you need to do to make the distribution of your remix ethical as well as legal?


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